Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Follow Suit, Bitch !

So Pinochet has finally done the decent thing and croaked, personally I hope he suffered but I doubt it.
Are you watching Thatcher ?

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Crocodile Tears

It, at first, sounded like a terrible accident but as details of one one mans horrendous ordeal at the jaws of a 12ft Alligator emmerged all became very clear.

It took four brave members of the Polk County Sheriffs Department to pull Adrian Apgar, 45, free from the mouth of the hungry beast after receiving reports of a mans screams in the early hours.

What's the problem ? I hear you cry. Well consider this little gem from the Polk County Sheriffs Office as reported by BBC News Online - .

"Police said it was unclear why he was in the water in the early hours, but he had admitted taking crack cocaine."

I'll tell you why he was in the water being mauled by Alligators at four in the fucking morning, because he was high on crack, thats why.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Going Down

The companies network servers haven't worked for the last two days, meaning I have access to email and the World Wide Web only, no spreadsheets or Finance systems. Hasn't impacted on my job too much.

This WWW thing certainly loses some of its appeal when you take away the pr0n aspect of it. I mean I like BBC News as much as the next man but there only so much bad news about Iraq I can take before I need to surf over to and get some daily exercise. Sadly I can't do this in work - fucking open plan office bastards !

An early finish yesterday and I can't see me hanging around too long today. Three cheers for modern technology.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Almost Dead

At least it feels that way. I've returned from Manchester, lovely place by the way, with a stinking cold, headache and sore throat. To be fair I can't blame this on Manchester or any other part of England I passed through as I was feeling ill before I left. I've bought all manner of stuff to try and help me recover, all of it fucking useless - you know the kind of crap; pills, blackcurrant flavoured hot drinks, sweets. Even Vic ointment.

Didn't do fuck all either.

I hate being ill, it makes me sick.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Stanhope In Manchester

Top stand-up comic Doug Stanhope is playing two nights in Manchester this weekend and I have tickets. The time on the tickets is showing 23:30 - seems like a late start if you ask me - but if you've ever seen his act you'll understand.

This may well be the greatest weekend ever. Kudos to 'Dangerous' for his generosity of getting us on the guest-list for Saturdays show, meaning we can get wasted Friday and even miss the show if we desire.

How bored must you be . . . .

to start a blog ? This fucking bored obviously. Whats next for me - a Myspace page ?