Mad Hatter with Mad Hat !
Quoted from the BBC News Wesite:
Pope Benedict XVI has authorised special indulgences to mark the 50th anniversary of the Virgin Mary's reputed appearance at Lourdes. Catholics visiting the site within a year of 8 December will be able to receive an indulgence, which the Church teaches can reduce time in purgatory. Lourdes has drawn pilgrims since Mary was said to have appeared in 1858 to shepherdess Bernadette Soubirous. The waters of the French shrine are said to have miraculous healing powers.
I'd say you couldn't make it up but, ironically, somebody clearly has. This is a clear example of not letting rationality interfere with the working of your mind or, dare I add (yes dare, dare !), your wallet. What gets to me the most is the final sentence that "The waters of the French shrine are said to have miraculous healing powers. " yes they are said to have special Jesus Juice™ added that gives the water the incredible healing powers of Jesus. It's also said, mind you, that the Moon is made of blue cheese, but when NASA had a look into this it turned out the Moon was made of, well the Moon. But certainly not cheese, not even Wensleydale. Yet the BBC never mentions this is any of their Space articles.
And just what in the name of Christ is an "indulgence" ? I'll wager the choir boys of the Vatican were none too pleased to hear about this, but they must've breathed a sigh of relief when they realised it in no way involved them being trouser-less and bent over anything at all but was, in fact, a reference to a Bronze Age myth and really only of interest to the terminally deluded.
Come on, you all know the chorus "Where did you get that hat ? where did you get that hat . . . . . "