Sha-mone !
Anyway, here's a collection of all the jokes I've received regarding his death.
HJ has had a heart attack after falling over a pram. The coroner said it's too soon to "blame it on the buggy."
MJ's kids have visited the morgue, but it's not the first time they've seen him stiff.
Gary Glitter has just put in a world record bid for Michael Jackson's laptop.
Michael Jackson's latest dates have had to be cancelled. They were James, aged 9, and Thomas, aged 11.
As Jacko was fighting for his life in the ambulance the doctor said I think we should start CPR, the Paramedic said no we should start heart massage and the driver said we should start an adrenaline drip. Jacko, now fighting for breath, said you wanna be starting something, you gotta be starting something.
Michael Jackson did not die of a heart attack, he died chocking on nuts. Don't worry the 9 year old boy is fine.
Michael Jackson is not going to be buried or cremated but recycled into shopping bags so he can remain white, plastic and dangerous for kids to play with.
Michael Jackson is dead. Early reports of skin cancer are not true. So don't blame it on the sunshine.
What a coincidence, Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson dying on the same day. One played with major and the other played with the minors.
What's the difference between Sir Alex Ferguson and Michael Jackson ? Sir Alex Ferguson can play Giggs in August.