Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Rebel Yell !

Moore, Moore, Moore !

In a blinding return to form, squinty star-gazer, Patrick Moore has caused uproar at the BBC by suggesting the cause of the current state of television programming can be laid firmly at the feet of women !

The presenter said: "The trouble is the BBC now is run by women and it shows soap operas, cooking, quizzes, kitchen-sink plays. You wouldn't have had that in the golden days."

The "Golden Days" ? What "Golden Days" ? Pre-penicillin ? I notice that you're still on the tube Pat, should we blame that on women too ?

Whilst I'll be the first to admit that television in its latest incarnation is at its worst mindless drivel, there are still plenty of decent shows being put out via the BBC - one you get past Strictly Come Pap Idol On Ice - I mean doesn't Tribe return tonight ?

Television may well be going the way of the charts, disposable, throwaway, elevated elevator music, but I don't think we can lay all the blame for this at women - I mean surely they can't be responsible for creating, transmitting and watching this can they ? If that was the case who'd be doing the washing-up ?

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