In case you don't know the story, Mohamed Ahmed, left, worked as a fork lift truck driver (doesn't sound Islamic to me - as I'm fairly sure electronic motorised lifting equipment was forbidden by Muhammad) when he was asked to shift some palettes of beer. Yeah, I'm sure you can see where this one is heading. Needless to say Mo (I'm shortening his name because I can't be arsed to type the whole name, I'm never quite sure how to spell it and I'm hoping it's against Islam - let's be fair what isn't nowadays ?) threw his Koran out of his Mosque. Like a fucking little child.
When he refused to do his job Tesco sacked him. Mo then took Tesco to court for not respecting his religious beliefs. I've put beliefs in italics because that's all they are. Beliefs. Myths. Stories. Fucking make believe you stupid cunt now move those fucking palettes !
Sorry, sorry, now where was I ?
Ah yes, Mo takes Tesco to court. But get this, Tesco win ! Mo gets the finger from the fucking judge !
Is this a blow struck for rationality at last ? Well it certainly appears that way, lets just hope the inevitable appeal won't go Mo's way.
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