I've noticed that an awful lot of these awful religious fellows seem to garner an awful amount of media coverage, weather they're expressing dismay at the latest scientific finding, defending radical Muslims under the guise of freedom or swearing blind they never, ever, ever, fucked any kids in the ass or face.
Why is it that whenever these people open their mouths the British media can't wait to tell us all what they say ? No one is phoning Paul Daniels or David Blaine to ask them about acceptable timescales for abortion so why do these other tricksters get so much coverage ? What about Uri "Spoon-bender" Gellar ? Isn't his opinion on the Iraq war just as valid as the Pope's ?
On that note I'll be dedicating this post to religious insanity from around the world I'll add links below to anything mad and religious.
It's the Mohammad The Bear Show -
What about the wonderful Catholic Church, who would appear to be too busy raping kids to worry about blasphemy-
Introducing those crazy Greek Orthodox guys -
Here is a great tale of Catholic lateral thinking -
Continuing the Muhammad The Bear Show -
Oral Roberts Evangelical Corruption (Why is it that Corruption fits so well after Evangelical ?) -
Hindu's don't brook being ignored by their gods -
Algerian Suicide Bombers -
Religion + Guns = America -
It's old news but I've only just discovered it and it's hilarious -
Hair ad banned after using biblical type language -
Orthodox Jews regard common-law couples as prostitutes -
(Warning - contains pictures of dolts in stupid hats)
Religious tolerance doesn't extend to gays -
(Warning - contains pictures of pig ugly christian chicks)