I've also noticed that these cartoons are all black and white. Lets get some colour cartoons printed up and we should be able to get these idiots spontaneously combusting in the street, mid protest, as they froth at the mouth over some imagined slight on behalf of a known child rapist (yes Muhammed I'm looking at you here).
But it makes you wonder just how backward are the contries these idiots are from ? I mean who gets worked up about a badly drawn cartoon from Norway ? You'd think this kind of ranting would be done by the lunatic fringe wouldn't you, but, whilst they may well be lunatics, fringe they are not. Here's a few quotes from Pakistani politicians on this matter -
"What is terrorism? Terrorism you commit an act, and thereby invite a strong reaction. And that reaction when it gets into spin it is uncontrollable. Similarly this hurts the feelings of the Muslim community all around the world, and therefore I think in a way it is an act of terrorism." - Pakistan’s ambassador to Norway, Rab Nawaz Khan compares cartoons to terrorism.
"It isn’t just the people of Pakistan that feel they have been harassed by what your newspaper has begun, I’d like to know if your newspaper is satisfied with what it has done and what it has unleashed? Danes know that they have insulted people around the world by printing and reprinting the Mohammed cartoons, which were done in poor taste." - Pakistan’s ambassador to Denmark Fauzia Mufti Abbas justifying the bombing of a Danish Embassy.
I think there's only one way to counter this kind of thinking; more cartoons, this time in colour !
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