A US film has recently been released which shows Islam in a less than favourable light, I'm not sure there's too much choice in how it can be shown so lets take a look at how it adherents are aiming to dispel these untruths and slanderous lies.
UK, London - US & Israeli flags burnt outside US Embassy.
Netherlands, Amsterdam - US Consulate & two schools closed due to planned protests.
Libya, Tripoli - US Ambassador & 3 US citizens killed.
Tunisia - American school burnt.
Egypt, Cairo - Tear gas used on protesters attempting to storm US Embassy.
Lebanon, Tripoli - KFC restaurant burnt to ground.
Iraq, Baghdad - Protesters chanting "Death to America"
Yemen, Sanaa - Protesters US Embassy stormed by protesters & set alight.
Afghanistan, Jalalabad - Afghans gather to chant "Death to America"
Kashmir - Over fifteen thousand protesters gather in a dozen locations to call Obama a terrorist.
Well, you cant argue with logic like that.
Friday, September 14, 2012
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Hocus Pocus, Alakazam!
eBay has banned the sale of spells, potions, curses and Tarot card readings as conflicts between buyers and sellers of these services are proving tricky to resolve.
Fuck me, where to start with this. Spells ? Who the fuck is buying spells ? Spells people, spells! Like fucking Gandalf.
Potions, not just homepathic nonsense, but actual magic potions. Wait that is homepathic nonsense, isn't it?
Curses! Ha ha, curses, like fucking voodo I'd imagine. Who provides curses? Witches? Secret covens of witches, who's only remaining outlet for their evil is eBay. Wait, is Craigslist still up?
Tarot card readings, that's like pyschics without the need for any special powers, the cards do all the work right? Just buy the fucking cards then you idiots.
Its hard to recocile the fact than in the same year NASA puts a 4x4 on Mars, people in the developed world are still buying spells and potions. You gullible cunts.
eBay has banned the sale of spells, potions, curses and Tarot card readings as conflicts between buyers and sellers of these services are proving tricky to resolve.
Fuck me, where to start with this. Spells ? Who the fuck is buying spells ? Spells people, spells! Like fucking Gandalf.
Potions, not just homepathic nonsense, but actual magic potions. Wait that is homepathic nonsense, isn't it?
Curses! Ha ha, curses, like fucking voodo I'd imagine. Who provides curses? Witches? Secret covens of witches, who's only remaining outlet for their evil is eBay. Wait, is Craigslist still up?
Tarot card readings, that's like pyschics without the need for any special powers, the cards do all the work right? Just buy the fucking cards then you idiots.
Its hard to recocile the fact than in the same year NASA puts a 4x4 on Mars, people in the developed world are still buying spells and potions. You gullible cunts.
Monday, August 20, 2012
The Religion Of Peace Strikes Again
Text below taken from the BBC News website, link below.
Jesus, fucking Christ. On a bike. When will these fuckers step into the 21st Century? Fuck, can we at least get them into the 19th century?
Pakistan disabled girl arrested for blasphemy
Pakistani police have arrested a mentally disabled 11-year-old girl after a mob accused her of desecrating pages of the Koran.
The mob demanded the Christian girl's arrest and threatened to burn down Christian homes outside the capital Islamabad, local media say.
Officials said the girl could not properly answer police questions.
Her parents have been taken into protective custody following threats and other Christian families have fled.
It is thought that the girl has Down's syndrome.
Paul Bhatti, Pakistan's minister for National Harmony, told the BBC that the girl was known to have a mental disorder and that it seemed "unlikely she purposefully desecrated the Koran".
"From the reports I have seen, she was found carrying a waste bag which also had pages of the Koran," he said. "This infuriated some local people and a large crowd gathered to demand action against her. The police were initially reluctant to arrest her, but they came under a lot of pressure from a very large crowd, who were threatening to burn down Christian homes."
He said more than 600 people have fled from the Christian neighbourhood.
Rights activists have urged Pakistan to reform its controversial blasphemy laws, under which a person can be jailed for life for desecrating the Koran.
Many of those accused of blasphemy have been killed by violent mobs, while politicians who advocate a change in legislation have also been targeted.
Last year, Shahbaz Bhatti, the minister for minority affairs, was killed after calling for the repeal of the blasphemy law.
His death came just two months after the murder of Punjab Governor Salman Taseer, who also spoke out about the issue
Jesus, fucking Christ. On a bike. When will these fuckers step into the 21st Century? Fuck, can we at least get them into the 19th century?
Monday, July 30, 2012
Raspberry Pi
If you look down below you'll see some pictures of my Raspberry Pi complete with its case, courtesy of Mod My Pi.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Executed By Allah
An Afghan woman has been raped then executed by Taliban just outside Kabul. Her crime was that she was raped by Taliban. If she had been killed by Taliban, would they have raped her as punishment?
Durka durka mohammed jihad.
Durka durka mohammed jihad.
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Minecraft; Y U So Scary?
Why do I find Minecraft so very scary? It fucking terrifies me. I have no idea how TobyGames or XXNoRegretzXX make their various Minecraft vids although Tobuscus does seem to scream quite a bit. I don't even get that far. At the first hint of danger I'm straight back to my house to stare at the rain through the window.
I beginning to think I should play this on Peaceful.
I beginning to think I should play this on Peaceful.
Thursday, May 17, 2012
You Fucking Lying Liars
As any regular reader would surely agree, I'm a reasonably easy-going individual with a relatively free attitude to other people and the choices they make. But there is one thing that really makes my blood boil and it's liars, or more specifically fucking lying liars.
Especially those fucking lying liars who prey on the weak and vunerable. Like mediums or those fucking lying liars who try to flog alternative medicines to sick, desperate people.
I started thinking about this when reading an electronic notice board posting that read "After a number of disappointments, my wife has found a really nice lady who offers High Quality and reasonably priced holisitc therapies in the Chesterfield area."
Now, where the fuck do we begin with that? Lets start at the beginning and work through it.
"After a number of dissapointments . . . . "
This part of the sentence alone is going to take some analysing. A number of dissapointments implies that this poor woman has been stung quite a few times by these fraudsters, but kept at it. I think it was Einstien who defined insanity as "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results". This kind of thinking was also, now famously, covered by George Bush "There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — [pauses] — shame on you. Fool me — [pauses] — You can't get fooled again"
"High Quality and reasonably priced holisitc therapies . . . ."
How can you put a price, reasonable or otherwise, on nothing? It's like saying my losing lottery ticket was reasonably priced. I mean come on people, The Emperors New Clothes not ringing a bell?
I can't really get that angry with the woman who found these bargains. My vitriol is reserved for the fucking lying liars that sell these "services".
After laughing at the irony in the original post I deceided to Google holistic just to see what kind of crap it is and boy Google did not dissapoint. http://www.healthk.co.uk/holistic.htm is about top of the list of propoganda for this shite, which makes some quite frankly incredible, but easily refuted claims.
Here are a sample of some of the claims that set-off my Bullshit meter -
1. The Appeal To Authority.
The claim that stood out for me was that Aristotle was the Father Of Kinesiology. Kinesology is quoted by the aformentioned webstite as -
Now lets start with some facts, even though Aristotles father was a doctor he was dead by the time Aristotle was 10 years old. At 17 or 18 Aristotle had joined Plato's Academy, where he studied and eventually taught before leaving after 20 years, some say because he was dissapointed the direction the Academy took after control was passed to Plato's nephew upon his death or that he feared anti-Macedonian sentiment. In physical science, Aristotle studied anatomy, astronomy, embryology, geography, geology, meteorology, physics and zoology.
There is no mention anywhere of Aristotle being the father of anything other than offspring. The Father Of Kinesiology claim is mentioned only on these bogus health websites.
2. Old Earth Wison or Old Wives Tales.
The aforementioned website also repeats these old chesnuts -
Now then, as anyone who's ever looked into acu-puncture will know it'ws complete bullshit. It has been shown to work no better than placebo time after time in clinical trials. Also Herbal Medicine? We use this everyday, it's called Aspirin, it's produced from willow bark extract and can be traced back to Hippocrates in 400BC. I know nothing about Ayurveda and I honestly can't be bothered to research it. But the following graph sums up the effectiveness of these ancient "medicines".

To sum up, the above website defines In Health Kinesiology™ as -
"(HK)BioEnergy corrections are done by gently holding or tapping acupuncture points with the fingertips."
I think it's more accurate to say the only effective tapping here is the tapping of peoples wallets.
Especially those fucking lying liars who prey on the weak and vunerable. Like mediums or those fucking lying liars who try to flog alternative medicines to sick, desperate people.
I started thinking about this when reading an electronic notice board posting that read "After a number of disappointments, my wife has found a really nice lady who offers High Quality and reasonably priced holisitc therapies in the Chesterfield area."
Now, where the fuck do we begin with that? Lets start at the beginning and work through it.
"After a number of dissapointments . . . . "
This part of the sentence alone is going to take some analysing. A number of dissapointments implies that this poor woman has been stung quite a few times by these fraudsters, but kept at it. I think it was Einstien who defined insanity as "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results". This kind of thinking was also, now famously, covered by George Bush "There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — [pauses] — shame on you. Fool me — [pauses] — You can't get fooled again"
"High Quality and reasonably priced holisitc therapies . . . ."
How can you put a price, reasonable or otherwise, on nothing? It's like saying my losing lottery ticket was reasonably priced. I mean come on people, The Emperors New Clothes not ringing a bell?
I can't really get that angry with the woman who found these bargains. My vitriol is reserved for the fucking lying liars that sell these "services".
After laughing at the irony in the original post I deceided to Google holistic just to see what kind of crap it is and boy Google did not dissapoint. http://www.healthk.co.uk/holistic.htm is about top of the list of propoganda for this shite, which makes some quite frankly incredible, but easily refuted claims.
Here are a sample of some of the claims that set-off my Bullshit meter -
1. The Appeal To Authority.
The claim that stood out for me was that Aristotle was the Father Of Kinesiology. Kinesology is quoted by the aformentioned webstite as -
"Kinesiology means "the study of movement". As a treatment system, it involves testing muscles through their range of movement and correcting any weaknesses detected. Because muscles are linked to internal organs and to meridians in the Chinese model of medicine, disturbances in muscle function will flag up problems in internal function and energy flow round the body. Correcting a weak muscle will improve energy flow in the related meridian and function in the related organ."
"Kinesiology stems from work done by an Orthopedic Surgeon, Dr Robert W.Lovett, from Boston, Massachusetts in 1920′s, although kinesiology itself originates with Aristotle (384- 322 B.C.) who is named the ”Father of Kinesiology”."
Now lets start with some facts, even though Aristotles father was a doctor he was dead by the time Aristotle was 10 years old. At 17 or 18 Aristotle had joined Plato's Academy, where he studied and eventually taught before leaving after 20 years, some say because he was dissapointed the direction the Academy took after control was passed to Plato's nephew upon his death or that he feared anti-Macedonian sentiment. In physical science, Aristotle studied anatomy, astronomy, embryology, geography, geology, meteorology, physics and zoology.
There is no mention anywhere of Aristotle being the father of anything other than offspring. The Father Of Kinesiology claim is mentioned only on these bogus health websites.
2. Old Earth Wison or Old Wives Tales.
The aforementioned website also repeats these old chesnuts -
"Holistic Therapies have been around for thousands of years. The Chinese have known about the energy flowing through the meridians for over 4,000 years and developed acu-puncture to tap into and unblock the energy flows. Chinese Medicine uses acu-puncture and herbal remedies while from the Indian sub-continent we have Ayurveda - 'the Science of Life' - a system that has been around for 5,000 years"
Now then, as anyone who's ever looked into acu-puncture will know it'ws complete bullshit. It has been shown to work no better than placebo time after time in clinical trials. Also Herbal Medicine? We use this everyday, it's called Aspirin, it's produced from willow bark extract and can be traced back to Hippocrates in 400BC. I know nothing about Ayurveda and I honestly can't be bothered to research it. But the following graph sums up the effectiveness of these ancient "medicines".
To sum up, the above website defines In Health Kinesiology™ as -
"(HK)BioEnergy corrections are done by gently holding or tapping acupuncture points with the fingertips."
I think it's more accurate to say the only effective tapping here is the tapping of peoples wallets.
Monday, May 14, 2012
Man City Win Title
With a team bulging with local talent, including some as close as Columbia, Ivory Coast, Togo, Italy and Wales, Man City secured the win against ten man QPR with two goals in injury time. It is yet to be declared just how much this injury time cost.
Friday, April 20, 2012
London 2012

And the events! I mean have you seen some of the so called sports that feature in the Olympics ? Never mind the obvious distain for Syncronised Swimming, what about Handball, I dont even know what that is! Taekwondo? Surely Michael Flatley will easily take gold for Ireland? There's even an event for shooting. Have the organisers not noticed we've been at war on two fronts for a decade, who do they think is interested in seeing people in lycra shooting at paper target with some old ass rifle when I can flick on BBC news and watch the fucking Royal Marines in action?
Comedian and UFC host Joe Rogan once pointed out that 'there's a reason the Olympics is held every four years; if it was on every weekend nobody would watch', and he's right. Some of these events are people throwing things into a field, spears, concrete on chains, frisbees, it really is like a giant Monty Python sketch gone way over budget.
That said here's a list of the events and my breakdown of what they entail;
Athletics - School Sports Day
Badminton - Ok I like this
Basketball - Gay Five A Side Football
Boxing - Windmilling for 3 minutesCanoeing - Poor mans rowing
Cycling - For delivering papers
Diving - Proves Gravity
Equestrian - Pedigree Chum here we come
Fencing - Last relevant 1066
Field hockey - Shit Quiditch
Football - Amatuer
Gymnastics - Really?Handball - What?
Judo - Not as gay as wrestling
Modern pentathlon - Do lots so people don’t realize you're not good at any of themRowing - We have speedboats now
Sailing - Sport?
Shooting - We are fighting two warsSwimming - We have boats now
Synchronized Swimming - Jesus
Table tennis - Ping Pong
Taekwondo - RiverdanceTennis - Dullest event in the world
Triathlon - Pick One
Volleyball - Awesome
Water polo - How did this even happen
Weightlifting - Sport?
Wrestling - Bit gay
Wednesday, February 08, 2012
Fucking Steam
Who's idea was this fucking thing and how in gods name did it catch on ?
I swear to God, this may well be the must frustrating bit of software I've ever used. I Tried for hours to get the Skyrim HD DLC yesterday, but it just kept telling me that I already own the HD DLC. It had clearly grown weary of my questions as after a few hours it simply refused to allow me access to Steam saying "you are not configured correctly".
"Not configured correctly"? I'm configured correctly enough to access every other part of the fucking internet, but aparently Steam is special and sits astride the normal internet like some sort of forgotten Norse God of fuckups. Like Loki's hidden half brother; Cunti.
Well it's lesson learned, in future I'll be using the simpler, cheaper, faster and less bug prone system called The Pirate Bay.
Fuck you Steam, fuck you Bethesda and thank God for Minecraft.
I swear to God, this may well be the must frustrating bit of software I've ever used. I Tried for hours to get the Skyrim HD DLC yesterday, but it just kept telling me that I already own the HD DLC. It had clearly grown weary of my questions as after a few hours it simply refused to allow me access to Steam saying "you are not configured correctly".
"Not configured correctly"? I'm configured correctly enough to access every other part of the fucking internet, but aparently Steam is special and sits astride the normal internet like some sort of forgotten Norse God of fuckups. Like Loki's hidden half brother; Cunti.
Well it's lesson learned, in future I'll be using the simpler, cheaper, faster and less bug prone system called The Pirate Bay.
Fuck you Steam, fuck you Bethesda and thank God for Minecraft.
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